So, you as a born Levitical Jew who was an atheist was converted by the Lord Himself, but why did you start going to the synagogues to worship and not the Church?
All I knew at the time of my conversion was that the Lord was real. What seemed good at the moment, was to stick with what I knew. Did I realize it was Christ Himself who converted me at the moment? No, I just knew G-d (whoever that was) did it. Now, I was raised as a Jew and actually went to Hebrew school for a time as a young child, although nothing from it stuck with me. So, I went to synagogue as an adult after my conversion in order to follow the spiritual path of my ancestors, the Jews. Even during this time, I considered inquiring into Yeshivas in order to receive rabbinical training and study. I even listened to speeches from the Rabbis in New York City and elsewhere in my discernment process as I continued studying the bible on my own time and leisure. Somewhat committed to this but still discerning, I even did Torah study and Jewish prayer from the Siddur with my ultra orthodox uncle over the telephone during this time. However, the Lord who is the G-d of EVERYONE had other plans for me, and by His mighty and Divine wisdom, showed this to me in a dream one night: I walked into a Yeshiva and was inquiring about G-d. I wanted to know more about Him. I saw Yeshiva students studying Torah in an open area in the center of the building with a backdrop of a library of many vast books. When I met with the headmaster, I went into his office to speak with him about this endeavor. He told me many things I cannot recall at the time. Seeing that I was interested, he opened up the door of his office to invite me to observe some of his students deep in Torah study in the open area I first came across. When I went up to the door and looked out into the study hall, I witnessed his students floating in the air and making sounds of ecstasy and words that I could not understand. At that moment, I thought to myself that these people must know G-d, seeing as how they are in ecstasy and floating in the air by some other power. When I came to this conclusion, I was going to make my decision in favor of this path, but when I turned around suddenly, I noticed the headmaster pulling twin ropes with both of his arms behind my back on some type of a pulley system which fed upwards to where the wall and ceiling met. When I looked back out into the study hall, I could now see the Yeshiva students still uplifted in the air, but with visible ropes around their waistlines suspending them in the air, even though they did not realize it. Then I woke up. So, from there, I knew there was something wrong. What was wrong? Simple, only this piece of scripture comes to mind: 1 John 2:23 No one who denies the Son has the Father, but whoever confesses the Son has the Father as well. I accepted the Son of the Father by faith while down upon my knees in prayer a time after my conversion. I believe it was Him who converted me, even though I did not recognize it at first because of my hardened heart. Even as an atheist coming to the truth of G-d, there are still many pitfalls and snares; lineage and spiritual pride, ignorance (lack of study), and of course the acceptance of false teachers with no authority who try to lead you astray down wrong paths. Before I entered the Apostolic Church, I was very much against it because of what I heard other people say about it. I was also against Mother Mary. Furthermore, I didn’t believe Jesus was also G-d at that time, but simply just His Son (not of the same divine substance). I even attempted to smash my wife’s marian statues and accused her of being an idol worshipper. Even after the Lord has shown and done so much for me to lead me to the truth, I was still resistant and falling into errors and traps laid by others. If it was not for his divine grace, I would have remained in these recent convert errors for a very long time or maybe forever; but He was gracious with me and pushed me to study, almost like I had an itch all over my back that needed to be scratched out constantly. Through much study and prayer by way of the Holy Spirit, all fingers pointed to the Roman Catholic Church which is the fullness of worship through its apostolic succession and Seat of Peter. This truth became undeniable. For when you follow the Levitical Priesthood and its successors through Christ who called Apostles, who called Bishops, and who called Priests by laying on of the hands, you shall find the authority. Now, where there is authority there is power! The gold standard of worship; for I will not settle for silver, bronze, or copper and neither should you! Summa contemplation: Street Evangelization Watertown, New York Street Evangelization Syracuse, New York
I am blessed to be a Third Order Lay Dominican. However, the ideas expressed in this post are my own and do not represent the endorsement of or position of the Order of Preachers as a whole.
Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner. mr. Scott Lowry, op (paul-patrick)To proclaim the gospel to atheists (because I was one), satanists, witches, pagans, and members of the occult. For the salvation of souls.
By Mrs. Mary Kay Welgoss, OP
A New York Minute My son (let’s call him Tim) lives and works in New York City, and our family (my husband, daughter, son-in-law, and Tim’s girlfriend) visited him recently to celebrate his birthday. We enjoyed a nice dinner out, and went to a comedy club that friends at Tim’s office recommended. Tim knows the city well, so he deftly navigated us on and off the subway; as we emerged from the station onto the street above, he told us to move quickly to our destination, because we were not in the safest part of town. I never feel really safe in New York, so I didn’t think too much about his comment. I moved along the crowded street as quickly as I could, trying to keep up with our group. Suddenly, a man rode by on one of those electric bikes. It was impossible not to notice him, because he was screaming at the top of his lungs the most vulgar string of expletives I have ever heard. From what I could gather, he was upset that a car had cut him off, and he was truly enraged by this. He started pounding on the windows of all the cars that were waiting in line at the next signal. He was screaming threats and outlining in detail acts of violence he wanted to perpetrate on whomever had offended him. His behavior was so outsized for the situation that it was truly startling. I couldn’t help but stare over at him in disbelief. I immediately thought that he acted like someone possessed by a demon. I had been reflecting on scripture passages earlier that week about how Jesus and the apostles had cured many people oppressed by demons, so the idea of demonic possession was, no doubt, in the back of my mind. But even if one prefers a more secular explanation of his actions–perhaps they were drug induced, or perhaps he suffered from some form of mental illness–it was still so over the top that it seemed to defy commonplace explanations. What was most strange about the incident though, was what happened next. At the moment I thought to myself, “This man acts like someone possessed by a demon,” he immediately stopped his ranting and turned his attention toward me. Now it was a dark night, and he was at least 4o-50 yards away. Surely, my looking at him would not even be noticed in the tirade of his anger and the bustle of the crowd. But it was. He looked directly at me, and he said in a level and menacing tone, “You mind your own business, lady, or the same thing will happen to you.” Strangely, as scary as this situation sounds, an inexplicable sense of calm came over me. The miraculous medal I always wear grew warm against my chest, and I distinctly heard the voice of the Blessed Mother say to me, “Do not be afraid of him. He can’t hurt you. I am protecting you.” The traffic light changed, and the man rode away, still screaming and yelling down the street. But I felt a great sense of peace. It all happened in a “New York minute”–full of bustle and distraction. But to me it seemed like the exchange happened in a vacuum–as if nothing else was going on around us for those few moments. Equally strange was the fact that my entire family later told me they all heard this man’s threatening voice in a clear and focused way that stood out amid the bustle and noise of the street. It had frightened them, even though they hadn’t realized at the time that he was speaking to me. This is a dramatic story, and it testifies to the increasing tensions at work in our modern world. I share it in the hope that it encourages others to stay close to our Divine Lord, Jesus Christ, and to our Blessed Mother. Believe in the truth of the Gospel. Go to Mass, and pray daily, especially the Rosary. In doing so, we can rest in the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding, because we have nothing to fear. CategoriesAll
I too, was a wicked unbelieving man who persecuted the people of God. Born a Levitical Jew from my mother’s side (last name Cohen), and a southern Baptist with Irish descent on my father’s side (last name Lowry) and grew up an atheist my entire life - I never believed. I did whatever I wanted to do; drunken parties, fights, orgies, mocked people less fortunate than myself, marked my skin with tattoos of snakes, skulls, and bullets. I manipulated others; I loved firefights and explosions, pursued vanity and possessions, hated my fellow neighbor, lied, and I was disrespectful to my parents. I even killed people. When I persecuted the church, it was more personal because I did it to my own spouse.
I mocked my wife for her faith. I also insulted the Priests and accused them all of pedophilia and wrongdoing, even going as far as to oppose the infant baptism of my youngest son. I had no intention of changing my ways, or exposing and confessing my secrets to those around me whom I harmed. Until the dead of the night in the year 2020 at the age of 35, in the same year the star of Bethlehem re-appeared for the third time on 21 December 2020 since Christ’s birth, the spirit of the Lord came for me and converted me. I was at my desk by myself doing some work on a computer and suddenly goosebumps came across my arms, back, neck and shoulders and I began trembling. I never felt anything like it before. I began weeping violently and broke down crying. Almost as if something wrapped a mantle around me, something I never felt before - it was undeniable. From then on, I knew God existed, because I literally felt Him there with me. I did not see Him or hear His voice, but I knew He was there. I honor the truth and I was wrong my entire life. In that exact instance, I realized this. Although I was born seven days from my expected due date of 17 March 1985 in the flesh and sin, I was reborn in Baptism in the spirit the night before Easter in the year of our Lord 2022. Did He make me change? No. He showed me the Spirit of Grace which is the truth and His mercy. Since I value the truth, I accepted it. I was wrong and He was right. I died that night and was reborn as a new man. Now I live for the Lord. I took the name of Paul in baptism and confirmation because of my conversion. No man converted me; the Lord did. I went to sleep the night prior and woke up the same person with no intention of changing, nor did I have any viable reason to change. I was accountable to no one, and I believed in nothing. Then, when confronted with the truth, I had to change. Why? Because I value the truth. The truth has intrinsic value and is above all of us. It is objective and incorruptible. It is my hope for the entire world that everyone comes to the truth before the day of fire, so everyone is saved. If the Lord can change me, the worst of sinners, He can change all of you as well! I wrote a letter to God listing everything I had ever done wrong. I repented and asked for forgiveness. This is a start, but more is required. From then on, I had to tell my wife all the things I had been hiding from her regardless of how vile it was; regardless of how much it was going to hurt. I was ready to lose my house and my life for the Lord because He is the Truth, and the Truth will set me free. I must confess to you, the reader, and the entire world to honor Him, for His Namesake. Once I did this thing and confessed my lies and sins to both God and mankind, despite what may come of me, an amazing thing happened. The yoke of the devil fell off upon my neck. From then on, he could no longer jerk me by the chain and force me to go wherever he wanted me to go and do. I was truly free like what the Lord had said from His gospel. Now with that said, I knew I had to be baptized. Where do I go? There are thousands, if not millions of denominations out there. Simple, after reading all of scripture and studying it thoroughly, the answer became very clear to me. I must present myself to the steps of the Apostles Church, the One that has been given authority by Christ himself - the Roman Catholic Church. I followed the footsteps of the Apostles and the Levitical Priesthood, to which my ancestors are from and to which the Priesthood passed on from John the Baptist (also a Levite whose father administered sacrifice in the temple) when he baptized our Lord Jesus Christ in the river Jordan. Coming to this truth after much prayer, I realized where the fullness of worship resided, the very Church I persecuted throughout my adult years - the one from the beginning. Now, I practice the sacraments daily and am in truth. In fact, the tabernacle in Rome, and wherever the word of God is proclaimed and His body rests upon the altar is where the temple is, for it replaced the one in Judea. One cannot be in truth if he or she does not do what the Lord commands us to do. In summary, the Lord said, "you have no life in you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood of the new covenant." The sacraments are there to save us and keep us awake and ready; presentable for the Lord when He returns until all is accomplished. The sacraments of His Church will carry you, strengthen you, and sustain you from a lifetime of sinful influences and demonic temptations until it is your time to return to your true Father in Heaven. Do not be tricked by the slick comments of the world and self-ambitious preachers who want to teach you all kinds of wrong things. The Lord told us plainly what to do. So, let’s do it, and our joy will be complete. Summa contemplation: Street Evangelization Watertown, New York Street Evangelization Syracuse, New York
I am blessed to be a Third Order Lay Dominican. However, the ideas expressed in this post are my own and do not represent the endorsement of or position of the Order of Preachers as a whole.
Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner. mr. Scott Lowry, op (paul-patrick)To proclaim the gospel to atheists (because I was one), satanists, witches, pagans, and members of the occult. For the salvation of souls. Categories All I am ashamed to admit how easily I fall prey to the “blues.” God has immensely blessed me in this life. I have no real reason for ever feeling down and discouraged. But, of course, I am human and prone to such disorders.
In reflecting (many times) on what might set me off on this non-productive path, I discovered a number of culprits, these being the “big three” - thinking I can actually accomplish anything of value by myself and without God’s grace and assistance; being self-centered and self-absorbed; and not being present and helpful to others. The solution then seems so obvious: allow God to be God and use me as His instrument, put others before myself, and do something concrete to help someone. Inevitably, the “blues” evaporate whenever I stop thinking of myself and focus on God and my neighbor. But lately, these demons, like vultures circling their prey, have refused to leave. They have used my love for our Eucharistic Lord and passion for Eucharistic Adoration, to imbed their claws into my weak soul. Instead of being astonished and grateful that God has permitted our Perpetual Adoration chapel to complete its tenth year, I fret over the lack of interest from the majority of my fellow Catholics and from the general unwillingness of far too many priests to promote and participate in this vital devotion. Ever ready to thwart this devotion, I hear the evil one whispering in my ear, “You’re wasting your time. Most Catholics don’t believe He is really and substantially present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Blessed Sacrament anymore.” “That will change in time,” I say to myself. “You can tell them of the benefits of an Hour of Adoration till you’re blue in the face,” my invisible adversary blurts out in response. “They won’t come, visit and spend anytime with Him. Why should they? Many of their own priests don’t. You’re wasting your time.” Smelling the stench of discouragement trying to take root in my mind, his unrelenting assault continues: “You’re foolish to think you can keep this Adoration chapel open perpetually. You won’t fill the empty slots – look how long they have been vacant. You can’t expect the same people to pick up extra hours just to keep the chapel open. You would be better off just opening it for a few hours a day.” On and on he goes. Enough! I must stop listening to him! Discouragement never comes from God, leads to nothing good and impedes the work He asks us to do for Him. I reflected on these truths when I next filled in for an absent adorer and imagined this conversation taking place. “What’s the problem? Who is in charge of this devotion? - You or me?” “You are Lord,” I whisper sheepishly. “Then act like it. I was the one who called a handful of souls to ask their pastor to establish Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration here. I was the one who opened his heart to be receptive to that request. I was the one who provided and continues to provide the adorers needed to keep Me company 24 hours a day. Not you. If I want this sacred place to remain open, no one will be able to stop Me. So don’t be discouraged! Trust me! Keep inviting others to come. I will do the rest!” As if on cue, at varying intervals during the rest of that hour and for different lengths of time, one visitor after another came to be with Him – first a family of four, then an elderly and crippled woman, followed by seven other individuals. I had no idea so many were stopping in for brief visits. He was letting me see the pool of potential adorers from which He would be drawing! And as an added and unsolicited blessing, He had a friend send the unique picture (see above) that was taken during the late Pope’s visit to Mexico--a perfect image that so stirringly conveys the power and awesomeness of His Presence among us: Nearly fifteen years have passed since I wrote this post. The Adoration Chapel referenced in it is still open. Those responsible for overseeing it continue to place their trust in God. At His direction, they keep inviting others to come, knowing that He will do the rest!” Oh, that none of us will ever tire of inviting others to Come and Adore Him! |
January 2025