My body has withered.
My bones are brittle. My muscles are gone. My strength has subsided, my stamina has vanished. I was once mighty, then I became nothing. By my own hand, the wrinkles form, the frailty transcends, and the rot sets in. But you O Lord have called me. You have brought me back to life. You make me stand. You give me strength to my body, density to my bones, and life to my spirit. Your Bread fed my bones and my muscles. I am faster now. My new strength surpasses the former. Over obstacles I hurdle - the distance I jump is great. Those behind me struggle to keep up, they cannot trail me for long. But you O Lord, far ahead of me, The One I cannot pass.
Schweitzer, Father Ignatius John. Godhead Here in Hiding Whom I Do Adore: Lay Dominicans Reflect on Eucharistic Adoration. The Lay Fraternity of St. Dominic, Inc, 2023. Pg. 100-101
Paul-PatrickTo proclaim the gospel to atheists (because I was one), satanists, witches, pagans, and members of the occult. For the Salvation of Souls.
January 2025