Whether there are ideas?
Ideas must exist in the divine intellect. In order for something to spring forth in matter or become observable to others in nature - the idea must preclude the practical outcome. The form of things and concepts other than themselves (as in physical matter) are ideas in the creature, which pre-exist in God. Also, the purpose of an idea is known for two ends: the form in itself and the principle of knowledge in it. Things generated at random and by chance are not the calculated end directed by guidance from another as we see with creation of the world, the universe, and creatures, as well as humans - who all work together in their own way to a calculated end. This is because the concept of man, creatures, the world which was purposefully put here for us and the universe originated in the divine intellect of God, who presupposes all of these things in idea, and springs them forth into matter as He wills it, and guides them all to their calculated end. Therefore, there are ideas which result in form and principle of knowledge, for all things purposefully created by design and an agent (God) work towards their calculated ends through their forms and their knowledge which was given to them by the Divine Essence - all originating in the ideas and intellect of God. Whether ideas are many? There is a plurality of ideas in both God, man, and creature. For God, His Essence is not the idea, but the source from which ideas are formulated and understood. Understanding the form of something and its many parts in accordance with the idea that sprang forth from the artist, shows us that not only does the artist understand his work such as a painting, but that he also understands that he understands it - thus demonstrating that the artist fully comprehend the idea of what he makes and why he makes it, in a way that nothing of the art that the man creates is hidden from his sight as the man knows his art’s very essence. In the same way, God understands many things, and just not in a general way, but a more higher and intimate way - to include the parts of what is being understood, and the self-awareness through His own Divine Essence that He understands that He understands what is known, thus understanding the idea and essence of what is being observed as knowable to Him truly in fullness. For in the Divine Mind there exists proper ideas of all things as they were made in their own likeness apportioned by God as good and not in need of changing. In other words, God made what He did through the idea of what that thing or creature ought to be. Denial of this is faithlessness and lack of trust in God’s providence. His knowledge and wisdom also comes forth from His Divine Essence in the form of many ideas. God is fully aware of all the parts to an idea that form it, and He knows the best outcome for them even if He shall fashion freewill decisions (accidents existing in potentiality) to creatures, who often make the wrong decisions (things opposed to what God ordained for them). For every creature has its own proper species which acts in accordance with the Divine Essence in the degree of its likeness it has been apportioned. The ideas of secular society which are opposed to God in every way work in direct contradiction to the ideas of the Divine Essence - as we see playing out in the secular school systems which have driven out God from their presence. The disorder of sin (deficiency or not quite meeting the mark), which denies everything God has planned for them, which is the highest good, is self-evident in the teachers who are carrying improper messages to students in the classroom about sexual immorality, gender theory, self-mutilation, and false morality and self-centered egotistical ethics. Even at the opposition of parents, activist teachers who do not know God or His ways, radicalize their classroom, and enforce their system of false beliefs upon vulnerable children which only seeks to make them moving parts attributed to the machine of the secular state while often receiving backing from politicians and higher power structures which were originally implemented to render justice and fairness and prevent these type of manipulations on the institutional level, but have now failed to achieve their started purposes. As we can see, the idea of justice and righteousness, which is God inspired, is dwindling at the foot of radical secular humanism brought on by faithless individuals who pursue their sins and lower pleasures. They are filled with hatred for God and neighbor, and prefer to push their violent and aggressive agendas at all costs - even to the detriment of society and oppression of those whom they disagree with. Therefore, in all of this, it is apparent there are many ideas in the world, but the essence of each is known purely and completely in God because He sees them through His own Divine Essence, where there is no lack of knowledge or understanding. In the creature, he knows ideas as well, but not as many as God, and he understands them in a lesser way as opposed to the Divine Intellect which springs forth from the Essence of God. Whether there are ideas of all things that God knows? There are different types of ideas existing in the mind of God. In God, these ideas are proper as they should be, lacking in nothing as the Divine Essence formulated the thought of them. Therefore, God has the idea of things in their fullness within Him as He knows them.
I am blessed to be a Third Order Lay Dominican. However, the ideas expressed in this post are my own and do not represent the endorsement of or position of the Order of Preachers as a whole.
Commentary regarding Saint Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologiae derived from: ST part (I), Q. 1-26 from with permission. Scripture texts in this work are taken from the New American Bible, revised edition © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C. and are used by permission of the copyright owner. All Rights Reserved. No part of the New American Bible may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
mr. scott lowry, op